Mowing the grass, raking the bunkers, cutting new cups each morning: it never ends. We surely appreciate the effort by Director of Agronomy, Oscar Magallon, along with the entire agronomy team. That’s why we’re taking a moment, Tuesday, September 13, to thank them.
In its third year, the International “Thank a Golf Course Superintendent Day” represents a day all golfers can get behind, raise a glass and make a toast. And in Magallon’s case, you might as well throw back three cold ones to cover all three 18-hole golf courses under his care: the Gold, Red and Blue courses at Wigwam Golf. In fact, Wigwam Golf boast the only 54-hole facility in the Greater Phoenix area.
“Oscar is relatively new to Wigwam, but he’s getting up to speed at a fast pace,” said Leo Simonetta, director of golf at Wigwam Golf. “Good thing: they’re now taking on the overseed process. We really appreciate the groundwork they lay for a season full of great conditions, not to mention all the day-to-day duties.”
Next time you see Oscar and the team doing their jobs out there on the golf course, give them a tip of the hat.
Thank you, Oscar!

For more information about Thank a Golf Course Superintendent Day and the impact the golf agronomy teams have on golf courses all around the world, please visit the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America website.